Alcohol drinks can indeed cause an adverse effect to health. If the alcohol is mixed with an energy drink and its effects can be harmful for the body. What are its effects?
The researchers claim the mixing between the alcohol with energy drinks have harmful effects for the health of a person. Mixing drinks is usually done during dinner parties.
Most of the people do not realize the effect of the danger resulting from this drink. Generally they only know this mix could boost energy and make it more excited or passionate.
conducted extensively has shown the results of energy increases,
increases alertness and activity in the brain also increased. But
people are consuming this mixture of higher-risk doing such reckless
behavior, drug use, violence, the risk of an accident while driving your
aggressive and sexual behavior.
effects appear not only as in behavior only, because it causes heart
palpitations physiologically not regular, 4 times more likely to
experience irritability, tremor, trouble sleeping and tiredness.
that energy drinks combined with alcohol can potentially increase the
risk of heart attack and stroke due to blood more sticky and blood
pressure rise, as quoted from Medindia, Tuesday (9/10/2012).
Caffeine in energy drinks acts as a diuretic, which causes the body to lose water so as to trigger the dehydration. If
the drink is consumed in a prolonged period of time could result in
severe disease related to cardiovascular and nervous system.
on the results of this study researchers recommended that energy drinks
in packaging should be given a label that this drink should not be
mixed with alcohol.
Source : www.health.detik.com
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